What does one require to become a traveler of the world.
Money. Of which I have very little. But I wonder how far I could get on what I have in my bank account right now. Maybe out of the country if I'm lucky.
Guts. Bravery. I don't know if I have guts or not. I've never been in a situation that was extreme enough to find out. Which makes me worry I've never really felt what it's like to be alive.
I just feel that someone who travels the whole globe on a whim and has the guts to go into places they've never been, attempt languages they've never spoken, and befriend people they have never met, are daring. That's the only word I can think of. And I don't know if I've ever thought of daring as a word that comes to mind when describing myself. I wish it was. I wish I had the strength to jump into the deep end feet first without a second thought. I know what I want. I want to travel the world. I want to see things, meet people, fall in love, actually experience something, really fucking FEEL something. I feel like I'm living my life with the lights off. I need to open my eyes. How does a person become daring anyway? Because I want to leave right now. Pack a bag empty my bank account and just fucking GO SOMEWHERE. But I can't do it. I'm paralyzed by the unknown. Insecure about things I might fail at so I never try. I feel like I'm just waiting for my life to begin.