When we got together everyone told me it would not last, it was a bad idea. When I met him he was living at his mom's house, he had no money, no job, no car, no ambition, and he lived 45 minutes away. But he was so adorable, tall and thin with ratty punk clothes that hung off his body and the way he smoked cigarettes, with the smoke trailing nonchalantly after him, it infatuated me. He kissed me for the first time while we sat in the parking lot of the Jackson Library listening to a Modest Mouse CD, it started skipping as soon as our lips met. He told me things that no one had ever told me, he said I was beautiful. He touched my body with hands and lips full of lust, his words made me blush and his eyes were so sincere as he looked up at me. And everyone was wrong, it has been a full year and I still wake up every morning in his arms, it is still the greatest feeling I've ever experienced to be wrapped in his embrace and feel him sigh with contentment as he pulls me in closer.
The house I live in now, and the roommates I live with who all started as close to me as my own family, it's all grown volatile, tense, and tiresome. The roommates are clique-y and over the last couple of years I've strange experiences with each of them. Couples have broken up, friendships have dwindled. My job at MMOI has been sucking the life out of me for months now. I wake up miserable to go in, miserable to be alive just because it means I have to go in. I put in my resignation with my new boss, my last day of this job will be May 2nd of this year (2014). By that time I will have been sitting at the same desk, doing the same thing, five days a week, for over two years. And people ask me why I could possibly hate my job.
This summer Jared and I are putting an end to our desk job boredom by taking a leap off the edge of society as we know it. We are going to pack the van up with all our necessities, and JUST FUCKING LEAVE. We are going to drive across the country and hopefully find somewhere to stay, if not set up a place with workaway before we go. We are going to just fucking experience life for a few months. And this plan is not a pipedream like the other ones I've written about here. I have almost $3,000 dollars saved in my bank account as of today. This is fucking happening. I think the day I leave my job and never look back, will ultimately be the best day of my 22 years of life.
So these are the updated going-ons in my life. My hope is to start posting here regularly again, to keep tabs online of my life. I sincerely doubt anyone is left that reads this, it's been years since I've posted and I don't blame you, but that's comforting. I can post anything I want, and count on the fact that not one pair of eyes will read it.
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