Hanging out in my dorm with two of my roomates watching mystery science theater. Pretty much everyone in our building went out tonight, screaming at the top of their lungs and fist pumping while the boys groped the girls and vice versa.
But really it isn't as depressing to me as it was yesterday. I found out that everyone in my room is not into partying so I don't feel like such a lame-o being in here at 10:30 on a friday night. O.K. well I still feel like a lame o but whatever, I'll get over it.
Today's adventures included going to the bokstore to get all my books as well as a trip to wal-mart; half for a bottle of body wash, and half for the air conditioning. We also made an attempt at going to a free screening of Iron Man two and I kinda sorta ended up meeting a guy. His name is Jason, he's a junior and he is studying psychology. He has glasses and is very cute. He got my number. Score!
So now if I can just refrain from completely chickening out...
Anyway my mom is coming up to see my on Sunday which makes me very happy.
Classes start this Monday and I'm both nervous and kinda looking forward to having something to occupy my time.
Right now I'm feeling two major emotions.
one: Homesickness. Missing my friends, and the general feeling of knowing everything about where I am and being totally at ease. Also, I miss smoking weed and knowing everyone is down with it. Here when I talk about it I feel like a weirdo
two: Slight excitement that I'm actually in college.
I'm just kind of waiting for all the crazyness to kick in. I have always heard that college is the time when people go crazy and let loose but right now I just feel bored! Pretty much it feels like I'm away at summer camp.
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