Waiting for class to start. Waiting for class to end. Waiting to eat. Waiting for meetings. Waiting to go home for the weekend.
Especially that last one.
It feels like forever between now and friday when I will be able to hop in my car, crank up the loud rock music that I never want to bother my roomates with, and drive home to my awaiting family and friends.
I can't wait to do some serious damage when I'm home this weekend. This summer was like my diving board into the deep end of partying and when all of a sudden I'm back on dry land...well it seems a bit boring. And seeing as I don't know a soul up here with which to party, I'm excited to at least go home and do it.
So far school has been bearable. The classes are tough and the conversation is scarce but it isn't as bad as it could be. The worst thing about it, I think, is the constant pressure. Pressure in class, yes. But also pressure to talk to people and be cool and generally have the college experience everyone says you're supposed to have. I realize that it's only been a few days...6 to be exact...but I already feel like I'm not living up to the standard of college fun.
So basically I am excited to go home and get refreshed and see my friends and take a long long long shower and sleep in without feeling like a weirdo.
Why would I feel like a weirdo sleeping in here you ask?
Well everyone in my room wakes up at the crack of dawn...ok well the crack of dawn to me. The general time for them to arise is somewhere around 9 a.m. even when they don't have class until 3 in the afternoon. Which I just cannot even fathom.
That's another major thing about being here. I'm definately the most eclectic of the group of girls living in this room. I sleep late, I swear, I smoke, I lsiten to loud music, I'm messy (compartively), and I like to drink alcohol and smoke weed.

O.K moral of the post...I'm excited to go home this weekend.
Bahahahaha Someone seriously asked you what it was like to be drunk?! That's classic