Yes it seems that those 'truth' commercials that always make me feel guilty as shit and have a habit of coming on right after those 'above the influence' commericials, which also make me feel like shit, were on to something.
My throat feels freaking terrible! Like someone rubbed it down with sand paper and then took the remaining sand paper and tossed it into my lungs for good measure. I keep doing those deep inhale exhale deals, you know like the doctor has you do, to make sure my lungs are still functioning enough to keep me alive. Given it has only been about 5 or 6 months since I started smoking regularly, but that doesn't stop the side effects! No sir.
Also, smokers cough that makes you sound like an old man is not fun or attractive. I know, you're surprised right? It's also quite obvious to those around you when you are in public place and you step outdoors from the warm building and into the cold air and your lungs are all "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? OH HELL NAW." And then your lungs, that apparentely cuss like a sailor, proceed to furiously reject the cold air and you start coughing and sputtering and everyone around you is all 'SHAME. SHAME ON YOU FOR WASTING YOUR YOUTH ON TABACCO!'
To these people I say this. Yes, I despise the negative effects that come from smoking. But you know something? I ENJOY IT. Yah, there, I said it. Sometimes it's just a damn good feeling to roll the windows down and smoke a cigarette. Terrible to admit, I know.
And whether or not anyone else admits it, sometimes smoking makes you look like a bad ass. Wearing the 80's-esque sunglasses and sitting on the hood of a car while at some kegger or some crappy party, you look like the cool kid from a John Hughes movie.
So there's my piece on smoking. I'm writing this at 2:30 in the morning because I just got home and my body is pissed at me for smoking too much tonight. Aaaaand...well that's it.
P.S. this photo is the only one in which I find this guy attractive. That probably says something about my character. He's the one from the vampire movies and usually looks like a serial killer.