Even though today is that fabled day of anatomically incorrect hearts and Halllmark crafted sentiments ready made in a box of chocolates, I'm not going to write a post about it. Because truly, this day has no effect on my whatsoever. It's just another day in the life. My romantic plans are to clean the house, do laundry, paint my toenails, and then go to class. Wooooooooo!
Anywho, what I really wanted to write about is my excitement for next year. The thing is that I actually have no plan whatsoever for what I'm doing, and it thrills the crap out of me. I can literally do anything I want to, I can move anywhere as long as the city has a community college and a job for me. I realize these plans are a bit naive and perhaps a bit childish, but its exhilarating to know I can go wherever the wind blows me. Yah, I just used that cliche, that's what's up.
So also Im taking a road trip across this beautiful country of ours this summer all the way from my home in Michigan, to the sunny harmony of California. I can't put into words how excited I am for this trip. As is probably clear by now, I love travelling. I especially love road trips where there's someone else to share the driving. There's no feeling in the world quite like the breeze in your hair, barefeet out the window, and something acoustic playing through the speakers. So hopefully I can stick with all the things I've been trying to do, I.E., saving money and losing weight. And by this summer, I will be headed to California with a new look and some money in my pocket. Also, perhaps a tattoo...but more on that later.
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