Even at this very moment I should be writing a paper for my English class and what am I doing instead? Playing Super Mario, blogging, and feeling guilty for cutting out of class early today. My head is always in the clouds, it's something that has at times been a good thing but in the vast majority of my life it has brought me down. Being a dreamer has its perks, but it can be a real fault at times.
My mind is constantly jumping from one thing to another, rapidly switching gears and topics like there's no tomorrow! I blame technology.
Anyway...I suppose I should start that paper now...but before doing so I thought I should inform you of a very important life altering decision I have made.
I have decided to purchase Season 1 and 2 of Breaking Bad...TOMORROW! Yes, shocking I know. I found both seasons on sale at Target for an incredibly good price and I figure it's a damn good way to spend one of my first paychecks from a job I am quickly starting to loathe.
Good day to you.