A continuous drizzle has taken over Michigan.
A bulky black rain cloud has permanently placed itself over our state and refuses to budge.
This has resulted in plans, and outfits, being altered to plan for the depressing turn in the weather. I decided to skip the drive into Lansing to meet my dad because I didn't feel like going out in the booming thunderstorm on tuesday. Today I had planned a pretty damn cute outfit, a high waisted skirt, black tank top, slouchy black heels, but it had to be replaced with a sweater and jeans because it is pouring, again!
I just hope that prom doesn't get bad-weathered out like last year.
Last year we had our prom on a boat, the Michigan Princess to be exact, so much of it was outdoors. Since it rained and was windy and freezing that day we all got pushed inside and it got a little hot and stuffy.
But this year we are having our Prom somewhere on the MSU campus in a hall, so it's sure to be nicer.

Honestly, I am really excited. It's Senior Prom for cryin out loud! If it's even half as good as junior prom it's gonna kick some ass!
The night after prom however is still kind of up in the air. Afterparties are the conflict. My friends want to go to Sierra's boyfriend's house to drink but since I won't be drinking I don't know what I want to do. I suppose I'll just end up going and hanging out and babysitting all the ones who are to drunk to stand on their own two feet..KRISTI! COUGH! COUGH!
But who knows. I'll just go with the flow and see where the night takes me.
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