Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Horizon

I am very very confused on what I want to do with my life. In general, and next year specifically. I don't know if college is the place for me. I just don't feel like myself. I'm not unhappy by any means but I'm also not ecstatic either. I'm just kind of...existing. I feel like I spend a lot of time doing nothing and a lot of time feeling nothing. I'm not O.K. with such a mundane life like the one I feel I have now.

So, in light of this fact I'm considering my options for next year. Here's what I have come up with so far.

1) Transfer to Western to be with my friends. The negative here is that I will still be going to classes everyday and parties on the weekends, which is basically what I am doing now. And right now I'm not that happy. The other negative is that Western is my rival, currently. Western and Central are kind of arch nemesis' so I would have to swallow my pride and admit their school is better; a fact of which I'm not entirely sure. For all I know it's just another college. The plus is that I will be around my friends again, and generally I'm happier in their presence.

2)Pick a random town and move there for a year. For this I'm thinking Maine, or somewhere else on the East Coast. Somwhere I can go to find an affordable studio apartment by the water, take some creative writing classes at a local school, and spend my time doing things I love. Things I love being, writing, listening to music, going to festivals, and, in all honesty, smoking weed. Somewhere I can go for a year and just LIVE.

3) Join the Peace Corps/ CCs. This has been a dream of mine pretty much forever. The only problem with the Peace Corps is the required amount of time you have to volunteer for, which is two years. Two years is a hell of a long time if I end up somewhere that I hate. But I think it would be an amazing life experience to go to a completely different world and live for an extended amount of time. To be immersed in culture shock and meet people that I would have otherwise never been able to meet. I'm still researching this option, but in all honesty I think it would be an incredible way to spend a year.

4) My last thought, and probably the most mundane, is to go live at home and go to community college for a year. I know that compared to my other options it may seem like a boring and stupid option, but it would be cheap and give me more time to find out what I'm really looking for. It would also give me a chance to save some money up for ehatever it may be I end up doing after a year. The down side to this option is that by the time I move home, the friends that currently reside there will be gone. One to Northern and one to Western. So I may end up back at home doing nothing for a year, being as completely bored as I am now.

So this is what is happening inside my head right now. This post is really really long so I'll end it now.


  1. Heeey boooo, first option: I obviously want you to chose this one because WEstern is awesome and I'm telling you that you'd have a blast. I also feel bored and lame but that's only cause I have all the friends I need and they happen to be spread out around Michigan. So in conclusion, my life and your life will be amazing if you show up here.
    Second Option: It sounds like a dream that I also would love to do except on the art aspect. I also think that after we graduate, we should go somewhere like that together so it's over all cheaper and I can paint the ocean.
    Third option: Sounds like a good plan but as I've found out, peace corps usually only accept graduate school...graduates and retired people haha. And you need to learn another language.
    Fourth Option: Even though home is calling both of our names, resist the temptation! Your prediction will probley prove true and life won't get much better. And you also know my opinions on E-Rap after reading my blog so I'm not even gonna get into that. haha

    I think I've officially cracked the world record for longest blog comment. Love You!

  2. Oh Jess, you forgot the option of you moving to Northern with me! But, I know thats not going to happen haha. I say we all take a year off and move to Maine, we can all gets jobs we love and live by the ocean and just live! It would be fantastic, you can write for articles for the local paper, mel can sell her paintings of the ocean to art gallerys, Kristis passions change but she can do whatever she wants at the time, do an internship for a lawyer, and I'll work at a local food joint as a line cook. It really does amazing. So theres my vote
    Love you old dusty buttons

  3. Thanks for your two cents guys haha. I think one thing for sure is that I won't be staying a whole year here. I don't think I'll end up in the Peace Corps but the CCS is a possibility. Maine sounds incredible, especially if we were all there.
