My friends and I had this ritual this summer.
Basically, we would go over to my friend Dann's house, get incredibly baked, and watch full seasons of the Showtime series 'Weeds'. I mean, this really makes perfect sense if you think about it. Watching a show all about the growing, selling, and smoking of pot while smoking large amounts of it. It works right?
Not right.
I don't know if any of you dear followers have ever smoked weed but it has this nasty habit of making you very unfocused and very very forgetful while you're in the hazy state of being stoned. This quality is the very reason I choose to smoke marijuana but in this particular situation it did not help.
You see, I really like the show Weeds. I think it's brilliant, has an amazing soundtrack, and some intense plot lines. The problem being that even though I watched three of the six seasons this summer during these marathon smoke sessions, I remember very little of what actually happened in the show. It's not that I stopped caring what was happening after I got high. It's that I would see something in the show and care way too much about it. I would spend five minutes thinking about that one thing and by the time I tuned back into reality something really important would have happened and it would be lost on me.
Hahaha, to me this is hilarious. But also annoying. So, I recently started a trial of Netflix and I have spent the past few days re-watching the first three seasons and it has been a very weird exprience. I'll be watching an episode completely immersed in the plot and all of a sudden it will be like deja vu. I'll remember the specific part that's happening and from there the entire episode will come back to me and I'll be like shit! I already watched this! Just thought I would share this with you seeing as it's how I've been spending the last few days of my life.
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