I'm in a very weird mood. I was happy, because I jumped on the scale this morning, not literally, and it told me I had lost almost four pounds last week. But last night was loooong and I had too much time to think and sit by myself and do nothing. I spent so much time watching independent films on Netflix and watching documentaries about beautiful places I will probably never get to see, and I felt weirdly bummed out. This mood kind of carried over to today and the fact that I had really wanted to get out and do something today but instead have just been sitting here, does not help.
I think I get too stuck in my head and just want everything to be one way, and then all of a sudden real life is something completely opposite. It's frustrating. Why can't life just be my perfect dream world all the time?
I guess that the last few days just haven't been that good. The last few days meaning pretty much from last Monday until now. I just feel so blah. Maybe I'm bipolar. Who knows! At any rate, lets hope things are looking up. I just need to get out of this damn house and do something fun.
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