Sunday, January 2, 2011

What's Up 2011?

The new year was welcomed standing in a mass of friends, counting down from ten as we watched the ball drop on my laptop, a drink in my hand and a frilled noise maker in my mouth. It was loud, noisy, everyone was feeding off eachother's energy and simultaneously trying to speak over everyone else in the room. It was loud, it was insane. It was perfect.
It feels damn good to wave goodbye to 2010. It wasn't a terrible year, but it wasn't great. My life was missing any kind of solid direction, I was constantly guessing and often times my guesses were incorrect and lead to more mistakes. I felt like I was faking it, like everyone would find out at any second that this was not where I was supposed to be. I had pipe dreams, but no plan. Only the assumption that things would happen for me because they happened for everyone else.
This year I want to do many things differently. I want to break the addictions I have, the two main ones being nicotine (cigarettes) and procrastination (the ability to fuck everything up by waiting until the last minute). I want to make a serious attempt at getting organized, because god knows that has never been my strong suit. I also want to police myself, so to speak. I want to make sure I don't fall to deep into partying and loose track of everything else. I want to make sure I try my absolute best in class. I don't want to quit smoking weed because I don't feel it is negatively affecting my life in any manner, and therefore I don't see it as a problem.
So here are my other resolutions circa 2011.
-Be happy for what I have and not bitter for what I do not
-Say 'Yes' to everything for one day
-Visit a new City
-Read one book a month
-Be loved
-Face fears
-Listen to and appreciate more music
-Go to a baseball game
-Embrace my personal style
-Go on a roadtrip with no predetermined destination
-Get a tattoo
-Feel healthy again
-Stop making up excuses

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