Monday, March 7, 2011

Boredom, My Worst Enemy

There are many terrible things that one can come into contact with, like I don't know, poison or murder or herpes. But for me, one of the worst things is to be severely bored. The feeling of seriously considering staring at the wall for an hour just for something else to do, now that is a crappy feeling.

That has been my life for the past couple of days. Even though it is technically spring break and the week started out quite well, I have spent all of today laying around and doing a whole lotta nothing. Plus I have had a mild fever and an on and off headache, so I'm generally grumpy right now!
I finished watching season one of Breaking Bad plus I looked through the special features. I got to world 6 in Super Mario. I did tae-bo, TWICE. I took an excessively long shower. I painted my toenails. I tried to make the cat entertain me, she did not. I tried to cook food and ended up with a lot of dirty dishes and the confirmation that I indeed cannot cook. I stayed on Tumblr for a couple of hours. I updated my Netflix queue. I smoked out of boredom. I went for a walk. And now it's only 9:00 at night and I still am bored out of my mind.
Maybe I should get a hobby. Who's up for collecting stamps! Not me. I suppose I could clean or do homework or something else constructive, but we all know that's not gonna happen. So I guess I'm doomed to spend the night mulling over bad life choices that I could make that would make my existance more exciting, like becoming a drug dealer or joining a gang! Or I could just start counting the fibers in the carpet until I go blind or insane, whichever comes first.
Or I'll do what I do best and continue to troll the internet looking for stuff about Aaron Paul and other amusing things. Yeaaaaaah, life is pretty awesome.

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