Oh world wide web. I spend far to much time time on you every school day. Including right now!
I'm at LCC and yet I have nothing of significance to accomplish so I scan blogger for interesting tidbits and google things that may bring up funny pictures. This is my life.
Life just seems so ridiculously stagnant right now. Every day is the same. Two hours here doing nothing but updating twitter and googling images of summer then back to school for three more pointless hours of staring at computer screens doing nothing.
I mean, I can't even find a job! And I'm trying. Really, I'm not one of those teenagers who sits around going "aww man mom! I don't wanna get a job!" No, I'm more like the opposite. I'm going to every employer in town and practically begging them to hire me. But of course I live in Michigan where the unemployment rate for ADULTS is over 20% and for teens it's even more bleak.
So there's that. On the bright side Winterfest is on Friday and then I'm going to a party after that. But on the dim side of that I, once again, am dateless.
In fact I can't even remember a dance throughout my entire high school career to which I brought a date. I've never been asked and none of the boys in my school are at all my type so I've never been motivated to ask them.
What is my type you ask? Well, since you insist, it's an artsy, long haired, music loving boy. Someone who likes to read instead of complaining about a chapter assigned in school. Someone who can have an intelligent conversation as well as laugh about anything. Someone offbeat and romantic. And it wouldn't hurt if they had some tattoos and piercings going for them too.
So as you can see, there is no one even close to that in my school. I mean, not that I am set on finding my dream guy. I would settle for someone with any ONE of those qualities. But I've yet to find him yet either.
So I'm sure you're glad you clicked on my blog today. It sure was an uplifitng post!
But what else is a blog for if not to let off steam once in a while? Hopefully one of you has posted something a bit happier that I can read to perk up my day.
Thanks for reading :]
I'm at LCC and yet I have nothing of significance to accomplish so I scan blogger for interesting tidbits and google things that may bring up funny pictures. This is my life.
Life just seems so ridiculously stagnant right now. Every day is the same. Two hours here doing nothing but updating twitter and googling images of summer then back to school for three more pointless hours of staring at computer screens doing nothing.
I mean, I can't even find a job! And I'm trying. Really, I'm not one of those teenagers who sits around going "aww man mom! I don't wanna get a job!" No, I'm more like the opposite. I'm going to every employer in town and practically begging them to hire me. But of course I live in Michigan where the unemployment rate for ADULTS is over 20% and for teens it's even more bleak.
So there's that. On the bright side Winterfest is on Friday and then I'm going to a party after that. But on the dim side of that I, once again, am dateless.
In fact I can't even remember a dance throughout my entire high school career to which I brought a date. I've never been asked and none of the boys in my school are at all my type so I've never been motivated to ask them.
What is my type you ask? Well, since you insist, it's an artsy, long haired, music loving boy. Someone who likes to read instead of complaining about a chapter assigned in school. Someone who can have an intelligent conversation as well as laugh about anything. Someone offbeat and romantic. And it wouldn't hurt if they had some tattoos and piercings going for them too.
So as you can see, there is no one even close to that in my school. I mean, not that I am set on finding my dream guy. I would settle for someone with any ONE of those qualities. But I've yet to find him yet either.
So I'm sure you're glad you clicked on my blog today. It sure was an uplifitng post!
But what else is a blog for if not to let off steam once in a while? Hopefully one of you has posted something a bit happier that I can read to perk up my day.
Thanks for reading :]
P.S. By the way, if you were wondering which teletubbie is me, I'm the yellow one. And I have blueberry popsicle all ovah ma face. I'm street.
My little cousin is 12 now, but when she was a little girl, we always watched Teletubbies together. I loved their accents :)
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