This weekend, on a chart from 1 to 10 would probably fall at about a 7.5.
Because Friday was good, sold some clothes, got pizza, hung out with Bob Barker, played scene it. Yah, we are the coolest.
Saturday was both good and bad. It was good because it was rainy so we had a lazy day where we got cheese bread and grinders and watched movies and were giant couch potatoes.
Then saturday night we went out with Nic and Dann to the hookah lounge on campus. None of us had been there before and it was pretty fantastic. Classic rock, peach flavored smoke, good conversation, and Alice in Wonderland murals.
We left there at about ten and headed back to my house to hang out. It was fun hanging out with them except for two problems, Nic was constantly texting his on again/ off again girlfriend, and Dann was all melancholy half the time and normal half the time.
The other problem with hanging out with dan is that I have a permanent crush on him. And it just irritates me beyond all belief when I hang out with him and remember how cool he is and I'm still to chicken to do anything about it!
So I had that to deal with....
But overall a pretty good night.
Sunday on the other hand was 85% shitty.
We had to spend four hours at the high school cutting out cardboard for the set of the school play with a dull exact-o knife. It was suckish.
But then we went to Renee's and ate tortilla soup, which she stole all the chicken from, and tacos. We also watched monsters inc in her not-so-clean bedroom while piling on top of eachother, laughing hysterically, being super sleepy, and talking nonsense.
Also on sunday night I tried to take a bath for the first time in like 5 years and it ended horribly!
So...there's my weekend. Next weekend is gonna be great because I'm being inducted into the honor society for LCC and then I'm skipping school to go prom dress shopping and out to eat at PF Changs with my mom which sounds dorky, but I'm totally psyched. :]
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