I have little to none to worry my head over right now.
Sure, right now I should be studying for my LCC exam, but I'm pretty much set on using my fool proof strategy: winging it.
This morning I had an apple pie flavored bagel and a hot cup of coffee. Plus right now I'm listening to a tasty mix of Jack Johnson and Jason Mraz. This week has started out b-e-a-utifuly.
In a mere two days, though some may say it's really three but I don't count today, I will be in the car with my best friends travelling south at lightning speeds. Toward beaches, extreme games of hide-n-seek, and long warm nights under the Florida stars.
I have a new leather journal with an owl imprint gracing the cover, strictly for adventurers.
I also have a new book, a new pair of shorts, and about twenty pairs of sunglasses. (I have a thing for sunglasses and fedoras.)
So by this time Friday I'll be squashed into the backseat of an SUV among the pringles and suitcases, on the way to sunshine, sand, and sleeping in.
it is three!