Monday, March 1, 2010

If I only understood the lyrics...

So I
downloaded a few songs in French.
Why not?
They're fun and upbeat and make me think of breezy wheatfields in warm daylight.

Tonight I'm, hopefully, going to a 'pre orientation-orientation' for college in Lansing.

I say hopefully because I was supposed to RSVP a couple
weeks ago and I never did
So I just called last night and left a message along the lines of "uhh yah I'm going and I'm bringing two people...O.K. bye."

So who knows how that will go...

Oh, update on the prom dress situation.

I went to the dress shop I was talking about a while ago and it was perfect.

Everything was vintage and gorgeous and in my price range. I fell in love with the place.

I'm going back in a couple of weeks to see the new stuff
the owner said they're getting in for spring.

My dad is the one buying my prom dress
this year so he's insisting on venturing out into the world to shop with me.

I don't think he realized the gravity of the beast that is prom dress shopping at first because the very first place we went was the boutique in Old Town.

Next we went to a typical bridal shop where everything is shoved together and girls are ripping through things and every dress is bedazzled beyond recognition. Most of them are incredibly revealing in ways you wouldn't even think o,f and they are all priced outrageously. He tried to play it cool but I think inside he was having a fit. Basically, these dresses are not my style at all.

My style is simple. Vintage. Unique. I don't want or need a sparkly midriff flashing floor length monstrosity. I just never pictured myself in something like that.

Last year my dress was pretty much that, and I regret it. I'm to short for floor length and to weird for buying things at JC Penny. I have pretty much come to accept that.

Anyway, the moral of the story is that this year I will buy a short vintage beauty and make everyone at prom wonder why they spent 300 bucks on something three other people have.

Other than that, this week is finals.

Really that isn't saying much though because I'm taking all computer classes with extra easy exams or no exams at all.


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