Like Ruby Tuesdays or TGI Fridays...
Well anyway I thought I would write a blog to occupy some of the sad pointless space in time that is this class.
This weekend isn't planned yet. I'm still trying to find something cheap and fun for todayand the rest of the weekend is basically the same scenario.
Maybe I'll go check out the vintage dress shop I found out about in Old Town.
This year for prom I do not want to settle for a dress. I want something vintage and unique. I seem to have a love for everything before my time. From Gregory Peck to Jimi Hendrix. If I had to choose an absolute favorite era...it would probably be the 50's. I know the 60's would have been incredible musically but hey, if I went back in a time machine to the 50's I could just hang around for the 60's too.
Anyway...right now I'm just trying to figure out somethine to do online. It's tough to find entertaining things to do when the school blocks every site I ever liked besides Blogger and Twitter. And it's hard to spend large amounts of time on either one...
So there's that.
Oh, here's some great news from the world of being a teenager.
I went to the doctor abut my acne recently and he prescribed a medication for it.
My biggest problems were dry skin and acne around my chin.

In fact, when I put it on it feels like my skin is sizzling and then five minutes later after it drys it feels like someone sucked all the moisture out of my face and vacuum sealed it.
Also, if any attempt is made to change this...say, putting face moisturizer on...then it feels like my skin is literally burning. Like...picture the scene in Fight Club where Tyler Durden poors lye on the main character's hand. That...all ovah the face.
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