Who does that?
Anyway, I do have a lengthy to-do list to accomplish before tomorrow morning.
I need to do all my laundry, pack completely for a week long trip to Florida where I will be sleeping on the floor, get my mom's birthday stuff done, rummage through my cupboards for food to bring with me on the trip, get change for the 100 dollar bills I have, do an hour's worth of chores, and see my dad.
Whew. Hopefully I can get past all my inner procrastinating tendencies and actually accomplish all this before 7 A.M. tomorrow morning.
In other news, yesterday was a damn good day.
It was the perfect temperature and I spent a majority of the day outside at the park with some very good company. I also ordered my prom dress.
I spent a big part of the day finishing my mom's birthday present which still didn't turn out as good as I was hoping, but it's passable. So that was kind of a bummer.
Also, Dann stopped over with my brother for a little while. He was pretty drunk and I'm 90 percent sure he was pretty stoned too, but he was still hilarious. Even more so maybe.
He was tripping over the couches and wearing my brothers hat and asking me to bum ciggarettes, multiple times. Then he got into a whole thing about how he missed me. He was like *insert drunken slur here*
"Jessie, I gotta be honest, I serioushly miss you. For real, like I miss you. I'm gonna get a cell phone and I'm gonna call you cuz I miss you, and we are gonna hang out!"
Yep, good stuff.
So that was yesterday. I get the feeling tonight will be hectic what with the waiting until the very last second to pack, but I can handle it.
It'll all be behind me when I'm laying on the beach sunday afternoon, looking pale though I may, soaking in the sun and being content as a human being can.
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