Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I don't understand fishing metaphors!

Yah I stole the title of this post from Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs because I love that movie even though I'm way too old to be watching it.
Anyway, a few semi-interesting things have happened over the last few days. I'll start with the most important.

I don't know if I've really said it on the blog before but my job requires me to pay for parking EVERY TIME I GO. It gets really expensive because it's $1.50 an hour and I work 5 hour shifts, plus i only get paid 8 bucks an hour so come on that's like my whole first hour and a half of wages, this does not make me happy! So, being the genius I am I decided to find a new job and stop paying for parking. I got two interviews, one place offered me the position but I declined because I figured the other place was closer and I would nail the interview, so I was like 'Nope! Not gonna accept this job that is reliable and already set in stone!'

In short, I did not nail the next interview. In fact...I failed quite epically. So I already put in my two weeks notice and now I don't have any other prospects besides maybe becoming a hobo! Great right? Michigan is not exactly a pretty place for employment right now.

The other actual interesting thing is that I went to a great bonfire the other night. All my old friends were there and I made the wise choice not to drink too much and I had a really awesome night in general! It was a really good way to chill me out after all the pressure from the job hunt and class and all that jazz. Sooo anywho, that's the update on my life. Wish me luck on the job front and I hope all my dear readers are living less stressful lives! :]

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Those Were the Days

What ever happened to the way I used to live? I feel that every part of life has a certain feeling to it, a certain vibe that covers everday activities and sums up the way in which your life is being conducted. A year ago that vibe started going from relaxed and happy to feeling edgy and spending days doing boring things.
My theory is that this started happening when I began spending less time with my close friends. The transition started slowly, I think the first step was when two of my friends became much closer. Which is great thing, don't get me wrong, but that's where this new stage began without a doubt. Then I left for school and drifted further from the things I had come to rely on to feel better. I felt stranded and was grasping to the things I used to love as a last ditch attempt at resuscitating my social life. It came to be that instead of doing things like going to the store together to wander around or taking walks or going on fast food runs for chicken nuggets, that our only point of contact was when we went to a party. The only social interaction was when we were drinking or smoking.

This has bled into the present. Where I now have job and a schedule for classes that gaurantees me no real social life. My two friends that became close over the summer are now like family. I don't mean to sound whiny or ungrateful, I'm just unhappy with the feeling my life has right now.

Whereas a few months ago I was sure I could do anything I wanted with the next year I now feel that I am stuck here because I don't have the monetary means to move nor do I have someone who would want to accompany me, and I'm sure living alone in another state would be just as depressing as living alone here.

So there's my two cents about the path my life has taken recently. I can only hope that things will start to look up and that I will have some kind of brilliant reawakening that brightens the things to come.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Alone, Again

I'm getting quite used to being alone. I spend most of my nights by myself for a number of reasons. Thee main one being that either my friends have to work in the mornings or they are doing their own thing. I seem to be the only one not...doing my own thing, I guess. It gets pretty lonesome considering the only other member of my household goes to bed at 8:00 every night and I can't even think about falling asleep before 3. I sit around and try to do entertaining things, I often end up doing workout tapes and wii fit around midnight and hoping none of the neighbors are awake and spying on me. I watch full seasons of t.v. shows on Netflix and I play Super Mario Brothers and I sit outside and listen to the rain.
But it does feel rather lonely I have to admit. I feel so cut off from the world late at night somtimes, like the whole planet is asleep or at least with a companion and here I sit. Again. For the thousandth night in a row. With nothing to do.

Oh well I guess it will pass. I wish I could fall asleep.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just a Plain Good Mood

Don't you love those moments when it occurs to you how awesome things are?
For example, it has just dawned on me that I can no longer finish an entire bowl of ramen because I'm already full. It feels so awesome. My weight has gone from 199 to 179, and it's still dropping. It feels fucking GRAND.

I love all the other little things too though.
Like for example having hilarious and simultaneously deep conversations with my best friend.
Or splurging on some Nutella pancakes.
Or rewatching my favorite episode of Breaking Bad in the warmest blanket I have while it rains outside.
Or getting my History midterm back with a good grade and the word 'Smashing!' written on it.
Or hearing a new song that I really love on the radio. (Like the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars which I just discovered!)
Or late night runs to the gas station just because.
Or when the sun finally comes back out after a cold spell.
Or cleaning your room and then being excited to go to bed.

You know, the littlest stuff that makes you feel the best :]

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hola Amigos

Why hello again blog world. I haven't been posting much lately because things have been the same old same old, mostly. I've been going to class, going to work, working out, sleeping, then rinsing and repeating. So clearly I am not leading the most exciting life right now, but I'm fairly content. I'm doing my best to stretch the measly $150 dolars I make every two weeks into an account for the California trip this summer, but it's tough when $50 bucks is a third of your paycheck!
But I don't want to sit around griping about money.
I would rather focus on the positive, like the fact that I've lost 20 whole pounds! Do you know how many sticks of butter that equals? No? either, but I'm sure it's a hell of a lot. So I feel really good. Except for the one unanticipated side effect which is baggy clothes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm psyched that my clothes are fitting loosely because that means I've lost weight. However, I am currently way too broke to buy anything new so I'm kind of stuck wearing the old baggy stuff. I also sold most of my nicer clothes in the time period right after I came back from school because I was so poor I could barely afford gas for my car. That was the same time period that I was selling plasma every week, which I stopped doing after coming incredibly close to passing out and when my mouth started permanently tasting like Saline which I'm pretty sure isn't natural. So that stopped.
Aaaanywho, other than weight loss and work my life is kind of a bottomless abyss of Netflix and essays. All I can say is I cannot wait for the warm weather to start rolling in so I can break out the roller blades and start going outside again!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Progression of Obsession

Over the years I have been infatuated by many famous people. Often I would become so interested in them that I would turn into a creep and start stalking their every move. This was generally before I used the internet on a regular basis and so most of it was magazines and movies and crap on Mtv. So here's a little post about the progression of my obsessions!

1) Jack White of The White Stripes.
I think I became obsessed more with the band The White Stripes than I did with Jack White in particular. I loved every single song they put out. (Of course that has changed since Get Behind Me Satan was released...) I was also infatuated with Jack White because he hails from Detroit and I love anyone who comes out of Michigan. This obsession was probably from age 11-13, more or less a passing phase in which I decided to marry him.

2) Bert McCracken of The Used.
This one started around age 14 and still lingers today. I don't know what it is about him that I found so attractive but I did. Maybe his long stringy hair or the way he used to be a crack 14 year old brain must have found some reason. Whenever asked the question 'if you could make out with anyone on Earth who would it be?' my answer was always Bert McCracken. I of course was a very devout fan of The Used and have been to see them a few times in concert. I still love their music although their recent stuff has become a little wimpy.

3) Edward Norton in Fight Club.
After watching Fight Club around the age of 16 I decided Edward Norton was the most attractive man on planet Earth. I immediately tracked down other movies he was in and generally admired his charm. I still see the logic in this crush because I still think Edward Norton is handsome. He's one of those men that gets better with age. The ironic thing is that Brad Pitt is in Fight Club too and yet I never gave hima second thought...

4)Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman.
This brings me to my most recent celebrity crush which you all already know about, and that is Aaron Paul. He plays Jesse Pinkman on my favorite show of all time, Breaking Bad. I have also seen him in a few obscure things like an episode of the X-Files and a low budget thing on Netflix called Daydreamer. I think his acting skills are amazing and his blue eyes make me melt. Since I now have 24/7 access to the internet this one is probably the worst because I can look up articles, videos, interviews, and fanpages without seeming like a creep. Except that you all know that now so I probably do look like a creep...oh well.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Give it up

I am currently staring deep into the abyss of my almost empty cigarette pack. There is only one lonely stick rolling around in there and after tomorrow there will be none. I am making a pact with myself to see how long I can go without smoking. I haven't really prepared for this in any manner and it's a bit impromptu considering I just came up with the idea yesterday. I don't really know how people go about quitting cigarettes besides the fact that you're supposed to eat a lot of hard candy to keep your mouth preoccupied and not thinking about inhaling nicotine.
Is there nicotine withdrawl? Well I suppose there is and that's what makes you cranky when you can't smoke. Sooooo we'll see how this goes, maybe I should stock up on junk food or movies or something? Well, anyway, see you in a bit.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Boredom, My Worst Enemy

There are many terrible things that one can come into contact with, like I don't know, poison or murder or herpes. But for me, one of the worst things is to be severely bored. The feeling of seriously considering staring at the wall for an hour just for something else to do, now that is a crappy feeling.

That has been my life for the past couple of days. Even though it is technically spring break and the week started out quite well, I have spent all of today laying around and doing a whole lotta nothing. Plus I have had a mild fever and an on and off headache, so I'm generally grumpy right now!
I finished watching season one of Breaking Bad plus I looked through the special features. I got to world 6 in Super Mario. I did tae-bo, TWICE. I took an excessively long shower. I painted my toenails. I tried to make the cat entertain me, she did not. I tried to cook food and ended up with a lot of dirty dishes and the confirmation that I indeed cannot cook. I stayed on Tumblr for a couple of hours. I updated my Netflix queue. I smoked out of boredom. I went for a walk. And now it's only 9:00 at night and I still am bored out of my mind.
Maybe I should get a hobby. Who's up for collecting stamps! Not me. I suppose I could clean or do homework or something else constructive, but we all know that's not gonna happen. So I guess I'm doomed to spend the night mulling over bad life choices that I could make that would make my existance more exciting, like becoming a drug dealer or joining a gang! Or I could just start counting the fibers in the carpet until I go blind or insane, whichever comes first.
Or I'll do what I do best and continue to troll the internet looking for stuff about Aaron Paul and other amusing things. Yeaaaaaah, life is pretty awesome.