Anyway, a few semi-interesting things have happened over the last few days. I'll start with the most important.
I don't know if I've really said it on the blog before but my job requires me to pay for parking EVERY TIME I GO. It gets really expensive because it's $1.50 an hour and I work 5 hour shifts, plus i only get paid 8 bucks an hour so come on that's like my whole first hour and a half of wages, this does not make me happy! So, being the genius I am I decided to find a new job and stop paying for parking. I got two interviews, one place offered me the position but I declined because I figured the other place was closer and I would nail the interview, so I was like 'Nope! Not gonna accept this job that is reliable and already set in stone!'
In short, I did not nail the next interview. In fact...I failed quite epically. So I already put in my two weeks notice and now I don't have any other prospects besides maybe becoming a hobo! Great right? Michigan is not exactly a pretty place for employment right now.
The other actual interesting thing is that I went to a great bonfire the other night. All my old friends were there and I made the wise choice not to drink too much and I had a really awesome night in general! It was a really good way to chill me out after all the pressure from the job hunt and class and all that jazz. Sooo anywho, that's the update on my life. Wish me luck on the job front and I hope all my dear readers are living less stressful lives! :]