But I don't want to sit around griping about money.
I would rather focus on the positive, like the fact that I've lost 20 whole pounds! Do you know how many sticks of butter that equals? No? Well...me either, but I'm sure it's a hell of a lot. So I feel really good. Except for the one unanticipated side effect which is baggy clothes.
Don't get me wrong, I'm psyched that my clothes are fitting loosely because that means I've lost weight. However, I am currently way too broke to buy anything new so I'm kind of stuck wearing the old baggy stuff. I also sold most of my nicer clothes in the time period right after I came back from school because I was so poor I could barely afford gas for my car. That was the same time period that I was selling plasma every week, which I stopped doing after coming incredibly close to passing out and when my mouth started permanently tasting like Saline which I'm pretty sure isn't natural. So that stopped.
Aaaanywho, other than weight loss and work my life is kind of a bottomless abyss of Netflix and essays. All I can say is I cannot wait for the warm weather to start rolling in so I can break out the roller blades and start going outside again!
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