Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Progression of Obsession

Over the years I have been infatuated by many famous people. Often I would become so interested in them that I would turn into a creep and start stalking their every move. This was generally before I used the internet on a regular basis and so most of it was magazines and movies and crap on Mtv. So here's a little post about the progression of my obsessions!

1) Jack White of The White Stripes.
I think I became obsessed more with the band The White Stripes than I did with Jack White in particular. I loved every single song they put out. (Of course that has changed since Get Behind Me Satan was released...) I was also infatuated with Jack White because he hails from Detroit and I love anyone who comes out of Michigan. This obsession was probably from age 11-13, more or less a passing phase in which I decided to marry him.

2) Bert McCracken of The Used.
This one started around age 14 and still lingers today. I don't know what it is about him that I found so attractive but I did. Maybe his long stringy hair or the way he used to be a crack 14 year old brain must have found some reason. Whenever asked the question 'if you could make out with anyone on Earth who would it be?' my answer was always Bert McCracken. I of course was a very devout fan of The Used and have been to see them a few times in concert. I still love their music although their recent stuff has become a little wimpy.

3) Edward Norton in Fight Club.
After watching Fight Club around the age of 16 I decided Edward Norton was the most attractive man on planet Earth. I immediately tracked down other movies he was in and generally admired his charm. I still see the logic in this crush because I still think Edward Norton is handsome. He's one of those men that gets better with age. The ironic thing is that Brad Pitt is in Fight Club too and yet I never gave hima second thought...

4)Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman.
This brings me to my most recent celebrity crush which you all already know about, and that is Aaron Paul. He plays Jesse Pinkman on my favorite show of all time, Breaking Bad. I have also seen him in a few obscure things like an episode of the X-Files and a low budget thing on Netflix called Daydreamer. I think his acting skills are amazing and his blue eyes make me melt. Since I now have 24/7 access to the internet this one is probably the worst because I can look up articles, videos, interviews, and fanpages without seeming like a creep. Except that you all know that now so I probably do look like a creep...oh well.

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