Things like my friends back home. Things like how many cigarettes I smoke and whether or not I could quit right now if I wanted to. Things like the turns cannabis legalization has taken. For some reason I think about that a lot. OK, by some reason I mean that I would be really happy if the US took the step forward that is Proposal 19. I would be even happier if that extended to the state of Michigan someday.
As the wise Dale Denton said in Pineapple Express, "Have you ever dealt with a drug dealer? It's terrible, it's weird, it's awkward."
For a while this wasn't the case because the person selling was sort of a friend of mine. He was actually really cool and pretty funny. But this particular friend has given up both selling and smoking pot. Good for him, bad for me. Now I have to go through various aquaintances and friends of friends. Which can be a tense situation.
However if this law was passed I could go to a normal, well lit establishment, pay a tax to the state, and but some legal weed. As opposed to meeting in a parking lot or a creepy alley somewhere.
To me that's the shame in weed being illegal; it takes normal people and makes them into criminals. I don't enjoy sketchy situations any more than the next guy..girl. Whatever! The point being that I hope all goes well with prop 19 because I think it will be a healthy step forward.
In other news, my Linguistics midterm is on Thursday, or tomorrow if you wanna say it that way. Which I don't. Because tomorrow seems much closer than Thursday. As you can tell, I'm stressed about it. But on the other hand I was stressed about the last one and I did pretty well on it, I got an 80%.
Also, as far as academia goes, I got my first D on an English paper and had to withhold the urge to punch my professor in the jaw. If I had she would have probably turned to a pile of dust because shes older than the freaking hills. She is the worst.
But I figure it's high time I spend a weekend up here, considering I've been in school for just about 3 months and I've only stayed the weekend here twice. So that will happen...hope I don't die of boredom. Wish me luck.
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