Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Favorite Things

These days, as you may have noticed via my last few posts, I'm not always in the best of moods. A lot of times I'm bored which leads to feeling dull, which leads to feeling unhappy. So on these days when I'm feeling sullen and bored I do a number of things in an effort to cheer myself up. Sometimes these things work, sometimes they don't.

1) Listen to awesome music

The definition of 'awesome music' varies depending on the mood I'm in. Sometimes awesome means the harmonies, beauty, and catchy beats of early Beatles tunes, like I Wanna Hold Your Hand. Other days it means listening to my favorite dark, pissed off, rock/punk combo of all time, Alkaline Trio. And still other days it means the techno laden synth bass of Beck. No matter the music, it serves to take up brain power and thus makes me feel less stagnant.
2) Read

Being somewhat of a literature geek, reading never fails to cheer me up. Right now I'm reading two books simultaneously. One is the Autobiography of Anthony Kiedis, the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The other, is a book of wisdom written by the Dalai Lama. Waiting in the wings is another Kurt Vonnegut book, because he's my favorite author at the moment. I think Kurt Vonnegut is a badass because he questions the government and writes massive novels about it and he tried to kill himself. Don't get me wrong it don't think suicide is cool, what's cool is that after his suicide attempt failed he just sort of shrugged it off and proceded to write several more masterpieces.

3)Lay in the grass and stare at the sky

This one is good for two reasons, 1) it gets me out of the room, which is pure salvation after hours of dark cramped boredom, and 2) it makes me feel free and happy just because the sun is shining and I get to be laying in it because I simply want to. This habit probably carried over from my childhood, I was a big fan of cloud shape searching. Nonetheless, this really never fails to make me feel more at peace.

4) Watch a damn good film

This is sort of a last ditch attempt at getting my creativity flowing. It's really cheating though, because it's based off of someone elses mind not my own. Regardless, watching an extremely well put together, creative, well cast film is something that is hard to match. An appreciation for these types of movies isn't hard to find if you're watching the right ones. Plus if the leading character is somewhat attractive, bonus points.

5) Smoke Weed

This one does not count for the times I'm at school. Just to be clear, I do not smoke weed while at college, ironic but true. Also, I don't mean going out to a big ass, loud kegger and smoking some ditch weed with a bunch of lowlife townies. No. By this I mean getting together with my closest friends, sitting in the grass or on the porch in a circle, listening to good music under the stars while we smoke a joint. Despite the criticisms placed on pot I say, from personal experience, that it is a completley innocent and relaxing activity. It does not make you stupid and it does not fry your brain. It puts you in a state of happiness and it makes everything more fun. Music sounds better, conversation is deeper, life is simpler. It's Not to encourage drug use, this is simply my personal opinion. If my life is getting really shitty, weed has a tendency to brighten it up.


  1. Scar Tissue is my favourite ever book; it's pretty much one of my favourite possessions!

  2. Your use of the term "ditch weed" tells me that you have some discernment in the choice of what you smoke. "Ditchweed" is the usual term for Cannabis ruderalis, which has negligible THC content but is now being crossed with other strains because flowering is automatic and doesn't depend on a fixed photoperiod. The result is crap.

    Which do you prefer, C. sativa or C. indica? The first gets you "high", the second gets you "stoned". If you don't know the difference, try to get hold of some Amnesia or Super Silver Haze. Both will blow your head off.
