1. Bring what you like to drink. This one is probably the most important! If you show up at the party with a fistful of dollar bills and hope that you can buy something off the party thrower, it's bad news. You're going to end up drinking some disgusting leftover thing that has been sitting in the freezer/ liquor cabinet for a month. So if you don't want to get stuck drinking Gin and Kahlua, or Gin and pretty much anything, just bring a fallback bottle of Smirnoff for good measure.
2. When you put your stuff down, put it somewhere you WILL REMEMBER. This will prevent you from expereincing the dreaded morning after groping. What is the morning after grope you ask? Well it's basically waking up from sunlight blaring in your pupils, hungover, confused, and pretty much set on just going back to your own bed to pass out until noon. So having your shit in a place you know will make sneaking away while the rest of the partiers snore and drool, much easier.

4. If you're planning to stay at the party location, scope out the best sleeping spot! Do you really want to end up drunkenly curled up in a ball with your head resting on a sticky shoe? No you don't. So at the beginning of the night search out the decent sleeping places and then comfortably fall asleep later, with one foot on the floor. Because that helps. Yah, I learned that from the Jersey Shore...don't judge me. Oh, and as the wise Asher Roth once said, 'don't pass out with your shoes on.'
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