Hot cups of coffee
Messy Hair with neon colors
Vintage clothes and accessories
Being barefoot
Smore cupcakes from the Sugarshack
Phantom Planet
Modest Mouse
Chicago streets in the winter
Having classs cancelled
Peanut butter and banana sandwiches
That feeling of curling up with a blanket on the couch to watch something awesome
Movies with incredible soundtracks (Garden State, cough cough)
Going up North in Michigan
John Lennon
James Dean
LiveLavaLive videos
Warped Tour
The Catcher in the Rye
Holding hands
Having money in my pocket for cigarettes
Stoner Movies
Adventure Time
Happy, bubbly, light sounding songs with plucky piano
Getting lost and ending up somewhere incredible
Open fields with shady trees
Waking up and knowing it's Friday
Fake mustaches
Big sunglasses (that rhymed!)
Volkswagon Buses
Playing ukulele all day
Johnny Cash
Oh, and of course, Aaron Paul

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