Today is a rainy, miserable, bleak kind of day. I have nothing but homework to do, which we all know I will postpone until the very last possible second. I thought a better use of my time would be to make a blog post chronicaling my life, from birth until college. Just in case, you know, someday I get hit with a blunt object and forget my entire past.

1997: The Alward family, my dad, my mom, my brother Josh (who was already a do
uche), and I, all pile into a large brown van with weird crushed velvet curtains and drive to New Mexcio. At first we lived in a sketchy trailer park that my mom's sister owned. The pool was drained and the wind was freakishly strong all the time. When we realized how weird that place was, we got the hell outta there. We move into an Adobe house at 4209 Paolo Duro road in Albuqueque. It was awesome. My brother and I had a tree fort and basically spent our days terrorizing the uptight old people in the neighborhood.

2002: We rent the house out to some sketchy tenants (who later turned that house into a hot mess), and move out to the small town of Eaton Rapids. About this time I meet some awesome people, who I proceed to cause some trouble with later. This trouble included, but was not limited to, accidental arson, the first time ever getting in trouble with the police, and the first time I ever smoked weed. They weren't bad people, their family was just CRAZY.
2005: I meet the greatest people ever. This was 5th grade,
the year I met Melissa and Kristi, also a year later I met Renee. However, me and Renee weren't friends at first. She would always ask me to play chess, and then I would beat here. Also, she enjoyed creeping around at that point. Anyway, I met these people and to this day they are my greatest friends. The best people I've ever known. Down for anything, always have my back, straight up badass girls. Also a year later I met Kyle Hill. Who would later be my first boyfriend, my first kiss, and probably the first person I knew to get arrested.

2008: I get arrested for shoplifting and spend my summer doing community service.
2010: Graduation, leaving high school, coming to college. All that good stuff. And now here I am.
Things I couldn't remember the exact date of: the first time I dyed my hair a color that isn't natural, when I got my nose pierced, my first concert, when I got my license, and the first time I beat a Zelda game.
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