I haven't seen head nor tail of a search engine or a facebook update for over a week, which feels longer than it sounds. Considering though that the reason I have been experiencing internet withdrawl is the fact that I spent my spring break driving to Tennesse then on to Florida, I guess the score is even.
The past week has been insane, to put it lightly.
Our plans for spring break were carried out: pack up the car and drive the supposed 8 hours to Tennesse, spend the night with Melissa's brother Rob, then continue south to Sanford, Florida to crash with her Aunt until Friday.
Along the way many things happened that can hardly be put into words. We spent much of the week with four guys who were down there at the same time as us who were also from Michigan. The first night in Florida we went to the place they were staying and we all got waaaay to drunk, smoked waaaay to much pot, and got waaaay out of hand. Good times, crazy pictures on my camera.
We also took a pontoon out into the everglades with these same boys, who all wanted to wrestle every alligator we saw. My friend Kristi definately did some questionable things with one of the guys, Nick to be exact. In fact,
on the last day we were there we had to literally drag her from the bed with him to bring her back to Sanford with us. As for me, Mel and Allie? Not so much with the hooking up. Nothing new there for me though, lame.

Florida also held many late night trips to the beach, like 4 A.M. late, and a serious sunburn that I am still currently recovering from.
Tennesse was also an adventure. We spent a lot of time at this Mock Iraqi village where the soldiers are trained from war. Trespassing you say? Meh, debatable. Besides it's not like soldiers were out there training at 11:00 at night.
Playing massive 15 person games of zombies vs. zombie hunters at this place was seriously one of the coolest things I've ever done. Clear stars, false ruins, and a lot of people over the age of twenty who take impersonating the living dead very seriously, equals a very good time. We also did some partying there, Melissa and Kristi may have gotten a little bit to drunk. They were getting pretty sassy and it was simultaniously funny and making me a little mad, though I couldn't tell you for the life of me what they were saying, I was way to drunk to remember any of that.
The drive to and from the south was an adventure in ittself really. 15 straight hours of driving for me on the way back to Tennesse from Florida plus a 3 hour bumper to bumper traffic jam in Georgia. I discovered a new found love for rap, Ludacris in particular. This is strange for me considering I'm usually a White
Stripes and Alkaline Trio type of girl; but when you're bumping rap with heavy bass flying down Florida highways at 1 A.M. with the ocean in sight, it's hard not to love it.

All in all I'm glad to be home. I'm sick of fast food, gas station energy drinks in place of sleep, testing the speed limit in every state, and being contstantly unfamiliar of where I'm going. True, I could have definately used a few more days on the beach and out of school, but theres only a few more months until high school is done for good, finito. So I figure I don't have that much further to go.
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