It's surreal doing all these typical high school graduation things like senior pictures and scrap books and cap and gown orders, when he had absolutely none of this.
He was caught selling weed in the bathroom towards the end of his sophomore year and after that switched school districts about four times and ended up at an alternative school where he barely maintained a D average and eventually managed to scrape up his GED.
Since then he has fathered two children on accident, been to jail twice, gone through withdrawl for more drugs than I've ever even seen, and been arrested to many times to count.
He currently works at a restraunt as a cook and dishwasher, he's 21. By the time I'm 21 I will be a senior in college, supposedly.
Now I'm not saying my brother is stupid, not by a long shot. I think he is a very intelligent person. He just gets caught up in what people think of him far to easily. He wants everyone to like him so he does everything they think is cool.
I'm not saying that I'm perfect, I've done my share of partying and drinking and smoking and whatever. But I don't do it to the point of excess. The point of losing jobs and family and relationships just to get high again.
Last night he got kicked out of the house AGAIN because he dropped dirty for opiates. He keeps trying to guilt my mom into letting him stay talking aobut how he will be homeless if he has to leave, but we all know he'll go stay with a friend or worst case scenario he'll have to stay at my dads house in Lansing. Boo Hoo.
Maybe he should stop being a douche.
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