My Saturday morning was spent waking up at 6:30 A.M. to feed four dogs then drive an hour and a half each direction to drop my mom at the Detroit airport, headed for a week long retreat to Cabo San Lucas. I remain here, in gloomy little Michigan, to live out the week in the terror that is high school.
On top of the long days of education I also have the responsibility of looking after four dogs and two cats, plus practically keeping my mom's business running while she's away.
I'm not bitter or jealous that she has taken this trip, she deserves time for herself plus I just took a week long trip to Florida a matter of days ago.
Plus this has afforded me the age old opportunity for a party while the parents are away. Given, it was just a bonfire and there were only about 10 people there, but I was able to invite certain boys that had previously been banned from the house.
I do feel like this week is going to be mighty stressful for the reason that my mom is gone, among other things.
Lately I'm feeling like I'm missing some certain teenage gene that urges you to go party and cause trouble. This gene is also the one that makes you comfortable around boys and causes you to hate your parents. I think I'm defective...
What if I never find a guy that I feel perfectly at ease around? I have this idea of a person in my head, not really a dream guy so much as someone interesting. Someone who has unique musical taste, shops at thrift stores, sees the appeal in piercings, and has a genuinely unique outlook on life.
What if this person doesn't exist? I've been looking for a while now and I haven't even come close. What am I supposed to do about that?
Realize your actually in love with me and we can go elope in vermont. Fo Sho. Hahahaha