The range of ways in which I am late is actually pretty impressive. From procrastinating a 10 page essay to leaving ten minutes before I need to be somehwere that is actually 30 minutes away, I do it all.
Including this morning, in which I managed to forget to turn on my alarm and therefore woke up when my ride arrived. Hezzah! I live up the title of tardy once again.
Oh well it wasn't all bad.
Since my mom is currently sipping fruity drinks on the white sandy beaches of Cabo San Lucas I took the liberty of assuming she wouldn't mind if I took her car to drive myself to my LCC classes this morning.
So that was my wonderfully hectic morning.
Yesterday was not to bad as far as school days go.
Me and Kristi skipped 5th hour, which has become very habitual since Senioritis set in by the way. We left because i ahd a test that I didn't study for and I would rather take a truant mark than a failing grade.
So we left early and went to my house to chill with Cathie and Matt and later Renee, Mel, Dann, and Nic.
We kind of just hung out outside all day, laying on the trampoline smoking cigarettes, standing around in the front yard palying frisbee and generally just hangin around.
I didn't do much of anything in particular, but the day still wasn't half bad.
Today I feel scattered because I woke up late...plus I just remembered I forgot to feed the cat this morning...but hopefully everything will just go down like normal. Boring, sloooow, and redundant. AKA, high school.
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