So, when I first started going here I went through a few different stages with the whole lack of partying thing. At first, I was like "Well I just started going here, I'll go to some parties eventually." Then it progressed to, "Once I meet some more people, maybe they'll drink and what not." And now it's hovering comfortably at "O.K. so I'm never going to party up here."
Thus the title of this post, The Great Debate! Hezzah!
...Yah that was bad.
Anyway, I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to spend another semester up here or if I would rather go back to Lansing for a few months. The latter option would save me money in both tuition and gas. However, it would make me a big lame-o for copping out of school after only half a year.
It's just that I don't think I'm reaching my full potential up here. I do a whole lotta nothin and as much as I love being lazy, doing nothing can get really old after a while. Being home gives me a lot more opportunities to go do things. And by things, I don't just mean going to parties. I mean that Lansing is practically my hometown and I know much more about it then I know about this town. I love the awesome sushi place, I love the hookah lounge, I love the thrift stores, I love everything in Old Town, I love the boutiques, I love the Sugar Shack, I love MSU's campus! I love it all!

So what I'm getting at is the fact that I'm getting bored up here, despite the cool people I've met, and I don't know if I'm willing to pay an $18,000 price tag to be bored.
Also, I miss just going on adventures with my friends. Just jumping in the car, windows down, and driving to some random destination. That shit was the best. Seriously, like, the happiest days of my life.
Thats some true chizzz