I'm very happy right now. My birthday is tomorrow and my best friend and my mom are coming up to my school and we're gonna go do awesome stuff all day. As for today I have no homework to finish, and no obligations to fulfill. I'm just relaxing in a very comfortable chair and talking to my friends on facebook as well as catching up on my weekly television fixes. This includes: Weeds, the Walking Dead, 30 Rock, and Community! I love the internet.
I'm also very happy because I'm having a birthday party at a hotel up here this weekend where all my friends will come up and we will party until the sun comes up. I'm extra happy about this because I just found out that one of my closest friends who I haven't been able to see for a couple of weeks will be coming!
I'm also happy because this weekend was awesome and I smoked some of the most chronic weed I've ever inhaled in my life. It was a beautiful night and we had a bonfire and a good time was had. Now I only have a short week of classes and then I'll be into the best weekend ever, and after the best weekend ever I'll only have class until Wednesday and then I'll be home for Thanksgiving!
Happy is a good good thing.
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