I slept through one class and one class was canceled. I ate lunch. I went to the library where I watched Hulu and did homework for five hours. I went to a reading with Emily and then came back to the room where I am now wearing sweatpants and watching a movie. Pretty damn exciting.
I hate the feeling I get when I spend all day indoors up here. It's not like spending all day inside when I'm at home. Here I feel all weird and stagnant and I get this taste in my mouth that's just like...blegh...from sitting all day staring at computer and not eating for extended amounts of time. Human beings are just not meant for sitting all day looking at screens. We should be out doing things, exciting things, worthwhile things. Sometimes I just want to say damn the internet, but then again if I didn't have the internet what the hell would I do all day? Oh, wait, I would do constructive, active things! Psh, I can't imagine.
For real though, sometimes I can't stand how I contribute absolutely nothing to society. But then again society has conditioned me to think that college is for being broke and smoking large amounts of weed. Check and Check.
Love Yooouuu no matter how anti social you are :)