Actually this week decided to be a complete asshole and go as slowly as possible. It turned every second into an hour, every hour into a day, every day into another week!
Let me just say that I spent a LOT of time watching T.V. online this week. Mucho amounts of Glee, Community, 30 Rock, all that good stuff. Oh, and of course, THE WALKING DEAD. Because it's freaking epic.
But Friday is finally upon me. This weekend I'm having a joint birthday party with my friend Tyler and a few people are coming up to stay in hotel for a couple nights and party until the sun comes up. We're also going to hit the local casino and some crazy antics will ensue I'm sure. The only thing I have to worry about is a math test tomorrow morning. The thing about math is that I can do it, it just takes me a while. My brain functions incredibly slow when it comes to processing numbers. I just can't comprehend it. However, the great thing about my brain is that it allows me to forget about the test as soon as it's completed, no matter how poorly I think I did. It's nice in that way.
In other news I filled out my move out form for my RA and I'm handing it to him tomorrow. I feel guilty leaving college so soon, but I'm just not feeling it. There are good days, yes, but I just don't feel like myself up here. So now I will use a machete to cut my way through the red tape jungle that is transferring college credits and financial aid. Clawing and scraping my way out of this school and into a new one. And the first order of business when I move back near Lansing is to seek a job, IMMEDIATELY. Start saving cash for next year's apartment adventure. Also, can I just say that lately there seems to be talk all over about how no one stays friends with the people they knew in high school. Well, I just want to say that I will probably be breaking that mold. My friends are the only people I can be 100% myself around. I can't imagine letting that go.
Also I feel very wanty right now. Here's what I want.
-A case of juice boxes to sustain the rest of my stay at college.
-Boots and new socks
-A new hair straightener
-A sudden wealth of knowledge in the world of pre-calc
-A never endingly full gas tank
-30 Rock to be on every night of the week
-A double bed instead of a bunk bed. (Why don't they make double sized bunk beds?)
-Modest Mouse tickets
Yah, that last one was a reference to Super Troopers...
O.K. last thing I want to say, the people I have become friends with at school have been living under a rock until now, yah I'm looking at you Kyle! I know you're reading this. They have been living under a rock because they had never seen Pineapple Express, Grandma's Boy, Grind, or WALK THE LINE!!!! Well, actually I don't know if Kyle has seen Walk the Line, but I know Emily hadn't up until last night! That movie is epic A) because I want to marry Joaquin Pheonix (I would then be Jessica Pheonix, eh, eh?) plus the whole troubled drug addict/ musician thing is attractive in the weirdest way; and B) because I love Johnny Cash's work. Seriously, every song ever. Plus, he also has an incredibly bad ass name. Seriously, Johnny Cash? Born to be a rockstar.
P.S. My mom bought me a Kurt Vonnegut shirt for my birthday and I flipped a lid. SO EXCITED.
Very interesting...