Spent this morning so far drinking juice called Naked, listening to
Jimi Hendrix, and dreaming about Warped Tour.
I don't know if you've ever been to Warped Tour, but it's like heaven on Earth.
O.K. maybe not for everyone, but it is sweaty, loud, crowded, fun, rock n' roll splendor.
I've had some of the best times of my life at Warped Tour. The very first year I went it was in Cleveland. And it ended up getting bombed by a huge storm that knocked down every vendor, every stage, every tent and every last man standing.
I left that day having seen the best New Found Glory show ever and I still have the scars on my feet from standing in the muddy mosh pit while getting rained on for an hour and half with bare feet.
I've seen incredible bands there, made incredible memories, and gotten incredibly beat up. I've also gotten awesome freebies including demos, bumper stickers, and t-shirts.
Nothing beats the feeling of stepping into those gates and gazing at the masses of people gathered around stages and merch tents. It's kinda like "Ahhh, home."
I love warped tour. it explodes my mind everytime.....which isn't pretty...but fun!