I can't even believe it's only tuesday. This week just seems to be dragging on.
Even though we did have a snow day yesterday. But all I did on that snow day
was clean my room, clean my closet, and eat chinese food. It's chine-eezy!
That's a reference to Ratatouille.
I had a dream last night that me and my three best friends (Kristi, Melissa, and Renee) we're all sitting at the top of a hill watching the sunrise. We were just sitting there and suddenly it dawned on me, no pun intended, that this is literally the last time we will all be together this way.
Sure, we may meet up in summers to come when we all come home from our respective colleges, but it'll be different. It will never be the same.
And in my dream I say this to my friends and we all just sit there and we watch the sunrise and we are all perfectly happy.
It felt very final and it made me want to cry a little and it also made me realize that I shouldn't be trying to rush this year so much. I should try my best to remember everything that happens and hold onto the feeling of closeness that you can only have with the people you have known all your life.

So just thought I would put that out there for all ten of my followers to see or not to see, whatever you feel like.
Also, in case you were wondreing, I'm going to see a screening of the movie "The Letter" from 1940, with Bette Davis in it. I have a serious passion for old movies. I love anything in black and white and anything where all the men where fedoras and all the women have accents, even though they're American. From Casablanca to Breakfast at Tiffany's, I love them all. And I'm psyched to pay just three bucks to watch one I've never seen before!
This also made me want to cry. =]