1. When I was at Warped Tour in 2009 I saw Christofer Drew Ingle of NeverShoutNever! alone in his tent looking sad and playing the ukulele.
2. I once fell in love with a man with a mustache because he spoke Russian and sang with a deep voice and played the violin.
3. When Kurt Cobain died I was 3 years old and living 15 minutes from Seattle. Too bad my baby self didn't love Nirvana as much as my current self does.

4. All the men on my dad's side of the family have been in trouble with the law under serious conditions. So has my brother.
5. All the women on my dad's side of the family have been to college.
6. If I would have been 18 at the time elections took place I would have voted for Obama and I would currently be regretting it.
7. I used to subscribe to Game Informer then I subscribed to Alternative Press now I subscribe to Glamour. I see this as a terrible downfall.
8. My mom is my favorite person.
9. I sent in a secret to PostSecret that I will take to the grave.
10. I have thought the same man was the most good looking man in the world since I was 12 years old. Bert McCracken.
11. On my A.C.T test I scored a 31 on the reading portion (the highest you can score) and a 14 on the math portion.

12. My favorite actor from the past is James Dean. I believe that if he would have gotten older he would have looked like George Clooney.
13. I used to live in a trailer in the desert with a cockatiel. There was an empty swimming pool in that trailer park.
14. I have had dreams for the past four nights about John Lennon. The first was about getting a tattoo involving 'Strawberry Fields' the others were about going to his house and talking with Yoko Ono and him.
15. I think I was named Otto in a past life.
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