I love the book Catcher in the Rye. I wish everyone in real life talked like Holden Caulfield. But then it might lose its charm. And then everyone really would be a phony. Ha.
I also love the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox. Seriously, awesome.
Today is a pretty average day. I'm looking forward to a night of watching Zombieland and brushing my teeth at the mall. Yah, I do those kinds of things.
I have some conflicting thoughts on friendship. But I choose not to elaborate on them.
Because I do those kinds of things too.
I miss the game Luigi's Mansion for the Gamecube. Me and my brother used to play that game like maniacs. Yah I kicked some ass.
But you know which game is better? Mario Kart 64. Yah I was the shizznitty at that game. I always played as Toad.
I know this is a whole lotta rambling because I also know that very few people actually look at this blog. So I'm not worried.
Favorite word for today: VULCAN.
Favorite song for today: El Pico by Ratatat
Most boring thing that happened today: Riding the bus back to school from LCC
Most exciting thing that happened today: Kristi made a wrong turn in the teacher's parking section and we ended up circling the parking lot screaming.
So put that in your blender and hit FRAPPE!
What are your conflicting thoughts on friendship?