I have been in a winter rut as of late.
It seems that everything in my daily routine makes me wanna punch a wall
and go hide out in my room for weeks, simultaneously.
But I think I'm slowly emerging from said rut for a few reasons.
One, I wrote everything down in my journal that annoys the shit out of me. So that helped.
Two, I actually saw the sun rise this morning as opposed to every other morning since october where it has been dark and cloudy.
Three, it wasn't freezing as balls this morning.
Four, I have an interview at a local grocery store, after many months of job searching this pleases me immensly.
Five, I know that spring can't be far off. I know that soon it willl melt all the ice and warm up the sky and the clouds will be white instead of grey and the backdrop to my life will be blue instead of the color of cement.
And of course I am holding onto all the plans we have for this summer/ spring. Warped tour, spring break in Florida, senior trip exploring Michigan, and Blissfest. But Blissfest is something so monumental it must have a whole post for itsself.
Yes I believe things are finally begninning to look up.
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