Thursday, February 4, 2010

So much to do, so much to don't.

I'm busy right now.
I'm busy looking up pictures of what the sun looks like in case I forget.

I'm busy wondering about that weird Jude Law movie I watched last night.

I'm busy listening to an old Limbeck album.

I'm busy procrastinating my assignments.

I'm busy thinking about my lack of work expereince and boy experience.

I'm busy glancing at the blank stares on the faces of everyone around me.

I'm busy being full of peanut butter and jelly sandwhich that was shaped like a sunshine face.

I'm busy laughing about a memory of my friend Sierra talking on tape about how my mom

I am busy thinking of bubblegum pete and his worldly adventures, he is such a jetsetter.

Man, I am just swamped.

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. Procrastinating my assignments always wares me down, gosh darn it.
