Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Good morning sunshine

So yesterday was interesting between locking my keys in my car and almost sleeping through all my classes. Today has been interesting because every class I've been to so far I have forgotten to do the homework assigned! Also I have pretty much lost the ability to sleep through the night due to my ridiculously strong allergies that kep me sneezing relentlessly.
But all in all, I am happy to be back at school. going home this weekend did remind me of the things I miss about home. I.E., sleeping in a big bed where I don't have to worry about waking anyone up, watching whatever I want on T.V. and having the indoor temperature be lower then 1 million!

But it also reminded me of all the things I was sick to death of. My mom nagging me to clean things, dog hair infiltrating everything I touch, all the pointless little things I have to do all the time just because I'm told to.

So basically I'm pretty appreciative of being able to just be up here and do my own thing whenever I want to. So to sum up, I'm feeling completely opposite as I was last friday. I'm in a pretty damn good mood and I'm seeing that even though lately I've had a weird nostalgia for high school, change is a good thing.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Godamn. I really am a Treehugger.

Even though I've been walking around campus non-stop

for the past week, I feel disconnected with nature.
I wanna go outside just to go outside.
I wanna marvel at trees and listen to birds and feel grass between my toes.
I want to wade in a body of natural water and lay in the sun.

Oh, P.S. as long as I'm talking about what I want, I also want Aaron Paul. Just sayin.


It feels to me that school so far is a whole lot of waiting.
Waiting for class to start. Waiting for class to end. Waiting to eat. Waiting for meetings. Waiting to go home for the weekend.

Especially that last one.

It feels like forever between now and friday when I will be able to hop in my car, crank up the loud rock music that I never want to bother my roomates with, and drive home to my awaiting family and friends.

I can't wait to do some serious damage when I'm home this weekend. This summer was like my diving board into the deep end of partying and when all of a sudden I'm back on dry land...well it seems a bit boring. And seeing as I don't know a soul up here with which to party, I'm excited to at least go home and do it.

So far school has been bearable. The classes are tough and the conversation is scarce but it isn't as bad as it could be. The worst thing about it, I think, is the constant pressure. Pressure in class, yes. But also pressure to talk to people and be cool and generally have the college experience everyone says you're supposed to have. I realize that it's only been a few days...6 to be exact...but I already feel like I'm not living up to the standard of college fun.

So basically I am excited to go home and get refreshed and see my friends and take a long long long shower and sleep in without feeling like a weirdo.

Why would I feel like a weirdo sleeping in here you ask?

Well everyone in my room wakes up at the crack of dawn...ok well the crack of dawn to me. The general time for them to arise is somewhere around 9 a.m. even when they don't have class until 3 in the afternoon. Which I just cannot even fathom.

That's another major thing about being here. I'm definately the most eclectic of the group of girls living in this room. I sleep late, I swear, I smoke, I lsiten to loud music, I'm messy (compartively), and I like to drink alcohol and smoke weed.

O.K moral of the post...I'm excited to go home this weekend.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day Two

Day two in the life of newly titled college freshman, Jessie Alward.
Hanging out in my dorm with two of my roomates watching mystery science theater. Pretty much everyone in our building went out tonight, screaming at the top of their lungs and fist pumping while the boys groped the girls and vice versa.

But really it isn't as depressing to me as it was yesterday. I found out that everyone in my room is not into partying so I don't feel like such a lame-o being in here at 10:30 on a friday night. O.K. well I still feel like a lame o but whatever, I'll get over it.

Today's adventures included going to the bokstore to get all my books as well as a trip to wal-mart; half for a bottle of body wash, and half for the air conditioning. We also made an attempt at going to a free screening of Iron Man two and I kinda sorta ended up meeting a guy. His name is Jason, he's a junior and he is studying psychology. He has glasses and is very cute. He got my number. Score!

So now if I can just refrain from completely chickening out...

Anyway my mom is coming up to see my on Sunday which makes me very happy.

Classes start this Monday and I'm both nervous and kinda looking forward to having something to occupy my time.

Right now I'm feeling two major emotions.

one: Homesickness. Missing my friends, and the general feeling of knowing everything about where I am and being totally at ease. Also, I miss smoking weed and knowing everyone is down with it. Here when I talk about it I feel like a weirdo
two: Slight excitement that I'm actually in college.

I'm just kind of waiting for all the crazyness to kick in. I have always heard that college is the time when people go crazy and let loose but right now I just feel bored! Pretty much it feels like I'm away at summer camp.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

So, Check It Out

Right now I am sitting in my very tiny dorm room with my 3 new roomates and it is very quiet. I am munching on pretzel rods and making failed attempts at conversation and wondering why everyone else in this building seems to be best friends already.
You guessed it, I moved into college today.

It really wasnt as traumatic as I thought it was going to be. True, it was very sad when my mom finally left to go home and I did cry but now I'm just kind of...blah. The only things I did today were going to sign up for a parking permit and riding my bike over to student services to get a new student I.D.

Oh yah, I got a bike. Thrift store special, $25 red Schwin from somwhere around the time of 1995. But I'm not complaining, it gets me where I need to go. Besides, I think it has character! So like I said now I'm in my dorm typing away on blogger just for something to do. The other rooms around me are loud, music playing, people laughing, talking, whatever. But in our room? All four of us are on laptops and no one is looking up from their keyboards.

My roomates do seem nice though, one especially seems to be into many of the same things as me. I just don't think anyone really wants to come out of their shell quite yet.

Tonight is orientation, mandatory, and I'm expecting a mostly dull forced friendship type of deal that will last a couple of hours.

Tonight will be the first night sleeping in a twin sized bed since I was probably ten years old, that will be a new experience. Hopefully I meet some people that are more like me because when I look around me I see a whole lotta skinny blonde girls and a whole lotta sleevless muscle-y dudes. Neither of which appeal to me. My honest feeling right now is that I'm glad to be here glad to have the hard part over with. I have a good feeling about what this is gonna turn into and I'm excited to start livin it.