Wednesday, August 3, 2011

So Happy

I'm so happy with my life right now. My frame of mind is so completely unlike last year around this time when I was worried and tense about college and leaving my friends behind. Now I am moving in with them, I'm taking classes I adore, and I have a job to hand me a steady paycheck. Plus the guy I'm going to be living with has a constant stream of weed and he cooks the most delicious fucking pizzas. True story. Also, one of my best friend's birthdays is this weekend and she always throws awesome parties.
I feel so complete, so together, so organized. It is absolutely awesome.
I feel like for once I made the right choices, I feel like this is where I'm supposed to be. I feel incredibly hopeful, it's the best feeling I've had in a long time.
I feel like I get to spend the next year of my life living in my own place, with some of my best friends smoking weed, having parties, going to school and just fucking LIVING. Living the way I want to, not having to answer to anyone. I'm just so DAMN HAPPY!
Short Term Goals:
-Download a lot of the Fray and Led Zepplin for long bus rides I will probably be taking
-Get my first paycheck and buy cozy cardigans and new skinny jeans for the fall and classes
-Get my room packed and ready to move
-Buy a clear stud to wear in my nose piercing at work
-Be awesome at my new job
-Finish getting my loan money figured out
-Be this happy all the time